Tuesday, January 31, 2006

tête - à - tête

Friends come and go. And yesterday, I actually experienced it, first hand!

I spotted a chinese looking girl strapped in the front seat of Eddie's approaching car. I quickly stubbed my newly-lit cigarette as the car rolled to a stop next to me. I blushed away as I realized, my Chinese New Year greeting didn't catch much attention. Turns out, the girl was a Japanese.

Zul - a brilliant photographer, I was told. Poor guy just found out his adopted Jap name Zuuru, means 'cheater' in Japanese! So I guess it's Arigato gozaimasu to his Haru-juku girl for naming him that, and to Mei for the long-overdue tip to what it really meant! Haha :P

Mei - The lonely planet traveller, or backpacker, to be precise. Her benevolent smile coupled with her Japanese features somehow brought more warmth that Sunday afternoon. I take my Y-3s off to her for having to tahan our curiousity on the Japanese language. At least now we know that I am very Iketeru and Eddie is so kuru ta. Alfi however, got his tongue so twisted, nothing came out right Haha! And for Zuuru, at least now he knows :P

Alfi joined not long after we arrived Alexis in Ampang. He finally lost the cap, which made him look less poyo. :P However, I should have anticipated his affection towards Hackett! The only consolation was that his was white on white... but still! BTW, Eddie was so gay that day! :P

Nan da yo?! Leave the kawaii boy alone! :P I was completely knackered by the time we got home. Can't believe we spent almost 5 hours in Alexis alone! Nevertheless, I must say that the company this time was somewhat different from the usual crowd... a different kinda fun. Probably because Eddie for some reason wasn't as satirical that day! Haha :P By the way, where were you that night? You missed the session at Lyn's! :P

To Mei,

It was fun having you around! Such a shame that you couldn't stay on longer. You should come down again soon and see more of Malaysia! Till the next time, take care, keep in touch and safe journey home. Sayonara!

From, all of us.


Eddie said...

alfi so looks like ali g wei.


Shukor said...

g for...? :P

Ali G? So basi la! Besides, he doesn't look like Ali G. Just the Bangla he's always known for :P