"What a load of crap!"
Now there's a line I would like to dedicate to The Malaysian Linguistic Association (MALAS).
With reference to the article entitled the above, I am extremely appalled by the calls to ban the movie, 'The Da Vinci Code' by the association. Obviously, MALAS has nothing better to do.
Their reason for calling the ban is due to the word 'Da', which they thought was a linguistic misusage of the word, 'The'. It is not! Da Vinci is part of the name, Leonardo Da Vinci, therefore there is no such misusage in the movie's title.
One should first explore the reasoning behind the naming of the book/movie etc. before passing judgement such as this, to avoid people like me writing in in (is this a linguistic error too?) the hopes to embarrass people such as MALAS president Ambi Mohan.
For his sake, here's the first paragraph to the text explaining the plot from the book:
"While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum. Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher. Solving the enigmatic riddle, Langdon is stunned to discover it leads to a trail of clues hidden in the works of Da Vinci…clues visible for all to see…and yet ingeniously disguised by the painter."
Now can you see where the title is coming from?
The article's last paragraph read, "The film's producers could not be reached for comment." Thank god for that otherwise Malaysia will be a laughing stock, again?
Come on la people... Don't be MALAS and find something better to do, or get a real job! Or go after the people who misuse our Malay language eg. Prebiu for Preview instead of Sedutan. Even the word, 'Sedutan' seem to be questionable.
Silly me. I should've known.
Amir Muhammad got what he wanted out of his satirical work of art. Yes, the joke's on me. I rest my case. The question is, who'll be the idiot next week? For I know he's got me now and is hungry for more.
Don't let your inkwell dry Amir Muhammad...
Amir Muhammad writes satire. He’s known for that. He wrote for NST column six years ago before he stopped. He was considered too controversial. In the word of Raman’s Silverfish Lit Mag: “Amir is no dilettante. He doesn't have to constantly talk about doing something because he does it. And I have some idea of how exacting he is.” This is his first stint in NST after his last column years ago. And it’s going to be in the parallel of Stephen Colbert’s The Colbert Report and John Stewart’s Daily Show satire, or maybe in the tone of the harmless comedic Fark.com and The Onion News, where a lot of learned people tend to be gullible. Mail him at kancah2001@yahoo.com - Commentary by fez@daftsavant.
Hey, that's my line! :)
Fez aka daftsavant
yes indeed. :)
Hello! Thanks for being a good sport. That da Vinci code article received MANY irate emails.
I didnt even know that there is such an organisation!!...MALAS!!...i guess they are MALAS!!..they need something better to do...so the want the center of attention!!...
we got punked alright.. i believed it because I think malaysians are capable of such.
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