Riam J. & G - A garden of blooming roses, colourful and wise - The Bold and Beautiful. The former never fails to make us laugh, with her sulky sighs of disappointment and contempt. And the latter is almost my partner in crime when it comes to partying. Remember "Stoned Mosquitos"? Haha
And then their parents. My wonderful cousins, who somehow always manages to cheer me up when life gets a bit too intricate and confusing. And they're the most young-hearted fun lovin' people to hang out with. Can't stop lovin' you guys! To, Bora-Bora! :P
And finally our nephews, Fariz, who's grown up so fast that time had trouble keeping up... and his younger brother Aiman @ Idie Jr., who (some would agree to a some extent) is an almost perfect replica of his father but with an individuality of his own, that's for sure!