1. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?
Hmm, wonder where she is now. Haven't seen her since kindergarten!
2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?
Sell 'em!
3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
New Kids on the Block, 4U2C! Muaehahehaehahehaea
4. What is the best thing about your current job?
My contribution
5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required?
No, mandatory!
6. Are you against same sex marriage?
Yes, I prefer different kind of sexual positions! Muaehahehaha ~ Kinda. We need to reproduce.
7. Have you been on a date in the past week?
No. Call me!
8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Either Cambodia, or London, again...
9. Quote a song lyric...
I don't wanna be anythin' other than what I've been trynna be lately!
10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Mostly new. Even the old ones are new. Go figure!
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
Yup, and I have to admit they've improved alot.
12. Do you like your parents?
I'm beginning to...
13. What state/country are you from?
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
14. Tell us about the last conversation you had?
Bitch about MAS, and how they should allocate more
budget for their R&D in order to keep up!
15. Where do you see yourself in one month?
Still here, dazed and confused.
16. What is your favorite smell?
Grass, after a rainfall.
17. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?
No, I'm metrosexy! :P
18. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
Whoah! Finally I get to make use of my widgets! 31° Celsius as at 1.05pm
19. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your co-workers?
No, but to a former flatmate! We ganged up on him and wrote a nasty complaint letter to the Flat Manager. Revenge was sweet!
20. Have you ever gone to therapy?
Spa therapies got la. Shrink? No.
21. Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?
Don't get me started on the Koreans!
22. Have you ever Toilet Papered someone's house?
How do you toilet paper someone's house?
23. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
24. Have you ever gone camping?
I have, and it sucked. How I thought the Summer Camp was like the ones in the US, but I was so wrong. Never been so wrong in my life before!
25. Have you ever had a crush on your sisters friend?
They would be too old for my preference at any given time. She's older by 7 years!
26. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Yup, nothing much to see.
27. Have you ever had sex on the beach?
Just the cocktail :P
28. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yea man!!! It really creeps me out. Don't understand how some people can find it flattering!
29. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Uhuhhhh!!! I think it was Pulau Perhentian, or Redang, under the moonlight!
30. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Well, no cry la but it wet my eyes. Dinas cries everytime! I used to think she's spastic, but we all know she ain't now!!! Muaehaheha
31. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one?
Alcohol? Yea. But only because of another vice :P
32. Have you ever been cheated on?
Funny enough, no. Should have asked if I've cheated :P
33. Have you ever had sex with one of your myspace friends?
No. Is that legal? Muaehaehahehaea
34. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend?
I have and I'm sure everybody else has too.
35. Have you ever felt like you were just completely rhino raped?
I know Jim Carrey has. Muaehaheahehaha Loved that movie!
36. Have you ever lied to your parents?
Little white lies... *grins*
37. Have you ever been to the US?
Well yea, it was fun as a child, but yet to go as an adult :P
38. Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Swimming. Had to swim for my team at a team building.
39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
No. He knows I'd kill him if he did, right Joe? :P
40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in 1 day?
I'm sure I have! Especially back in the UK.